Friction Fire Making

Our final day of the Wild Ways semester couldn’t have been blessed with more beautiful weather. We started the day sharing about some favorite moments from the fall, and played together in the field. Up at camp we had spruce cone fights and practiced friction fire. The energy around camp today was particularly comfortable, communal, and jovial. We had a wonderful honoring circle, appreciating every member of the group for their unique gifts. Lunch was lovely chatter as always, particularly sweet knowing we wouldn’t be all together again through the winter. 

We bid our campsite farewell and headed to the field. After getting a beautiful fire ready for parents we finished the day with some Odawa baseball. Students shared some highlights of the semester: shelters, fire, crafts, and our wet, cold, hail-filled hike.

A few fire enthusiasts tried their hand at lighting fire by friction. A feat they have pulled off many times this semester, but they were foiled by an inadvertently moist tinder bundle. We played a game of monarch with families and said goodbye for the semester.

Until next time,

Black Walnut, Black-Capped Chickadee, Painted Trillium, and Hawkmoth, December 13, 2021

Flying Deer Nature Center