It is in these later days in the semester when you can really start to feel the group come together as one big village. There was an overall sense of excitement, joy, laughter, and synergy today as the Cobblers kids wrestled, cooked, and created a place to feast all together. 

We started our day with gratitude, as always, some movement, and running to shake the bitter chill of the day’s breeze. With snack underway, we broke into groups to prep our camp for our forest feast by cleaning our inner circle while decorating our feast table, making a warm fire to cook over, and cleaning up leftover projects from seasons and days prior. We all focused on our tasks and got them done quickly. Folks broke off into different projects before the feast, all buzzing with excitement. 

The feast was delicious and the stories from some of the students really helped to warm and sweeten the time together.  You could feel how proud they were to share about their families with all of their friends. The roasting and the feasting lasted most of the afternoon, but before the day was through, we played a crazy game called Odawa Baseball. It snowed in the sunshine, as the first signs of Winter finally greeted us. 

In growing community,

River Otter, Black Walnut, White Pine, November 19, 2021

Flying Deer Nature Center