In the morning, our FOREST groups fanned out to collect plants for a delicious cool drink to create for parents’ visits later in the day. We used Lilac flowers, Mint, and Ground Ivy from the land, then sliced lemons and filled the jugs to “sun brew” over the course of the day. We also added maple syrup that we had boiled down at the start of the semester, when only the first hints of Spring were upon the land.

The groups made memories this morning in playful ways, celebrating their final days together with romps in the creek and games in the forest. For the afternoon, groups spent time reflecting on their experiences, sharing what was learned, and beginning the process of integrating their nature connection into their lives at home.
The groups created a special space and time for honoring, with each person receiving thoughtful words of praise from the group. They all went home with a FOREST necklace—each year they come back they can add beads to it to mark their time with us!
—The FOREST Staff: Josh, Theresa, Raven, Mary, and the counselors, May 26, 2021