On this fine autumnal day, we had our morning circle in Big Field, under the warm morning light, and sang our Good Morning Song. Red Oak helped us tune our senses into the elements, feeling the warmth of the sun on palms and closed eyelids, seeing if things smelled different with our faces turned towards or from the sun; when we knelt down to feel and smell the damp morning grass, we wondered if maybe the smell of dew could be called the smell of sunshine!? River Otter led us in a call and response song of deep gratitude—with the promise it would play into our lunchtime story. We had a game of Bat & Mosquito(es), which some students remembered from springtime: Red Oak and River Otter took turns playing the bat, who is blindfolded and has to rely on echolocation (“Bat!”) to locate the fleeing mosquitoes (“Mosquito!”) and eat them up!
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