Fire Challenges and Magical Lands

Flying Deer Nature Center Forest Kindergarten | Children Playing in the Forest

The hooting of a barred owl being echoed by crow calls could be heard as the morning mist was clearing. Our days together in the forest and fields are starting to blend together into a beautiful routine and are sprinkled with exciting and unforgettable memories.

This week, the children’s play found its way through a magical portal into the world of the sleeping giants as well as finding cozy dens to live in. There was much movement around a fallen tree that acted as different vehicles and spaceships for our adventures.

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Signs of Spring at the Cobble

Flying Deer Nature Center | Children Playing on Tree Trunk

Signs of spring were everywhere at the Cobble today. Spring could be felt in the warmer air, the songs of birds above our camp, and the small drops of water clinging to budding branches. 

Our day began with a fun morning circle with the Cobblers; we took some time to feel into our bodies and tune into our surroundings, and then played an awareness game of guessing who the secret hibernator in the group was after that person started putting people to sleep!

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Flying Deer Nature Center