What a hike! We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day with a cool breeze and perfect hiking temperature. Reminiscing with those students who have been around a while, we came to the conclusion that it’s been at least two years since we had a Wild Ways hike with no rain! About time.
Before the day even began there were beautiful dandelion crowns woven and placed upon some heads. Then we kicked it off with our morning circle. We shared gratitude and made sure we all knew how to be safe and respectful around other hikers/a new place.
We got on the trail and promptly stopped several times to check out the wildflowers and other spring plants. We saw white violets, spring beauties, and lily of the valley, as well as some mystery plants/trees. After a steep climb we took a break to climb the boulder train. At the top of a particularly large boulder, Matthew shared some new tree knowledge about bark! We discussed the layers of bark, including vascular cambium, phloem, cork cambium, and cork (outer bark). We also learned that the patterns of different species are created by the process of outer bark expanding and splitting as the trunk grows, creating the different patterns we see in the course of a tree’s life. From there we did a sit spot, focusing in on the bark of the trees around us with all of our senses. After a quick snack, we were back on the trail.

We reached the top with a bit of time to spare and spent some time spread out exploring. Some found a cozy overlook to sit and chat, others clambered over rocks, some discovered a small cave, others identified a less familiar pine (pitch pine or yellow pine), and still others found peace and quiet on the mountaintop. We all came together for some lunch and a game of Werewolf at an overlook. Before we descended, we gathered together at the cliff to shout our gratitude to the sky. We also yelled off the cliff as loud as we could because sometimes that’s good for you! Our descent was smooth and swift and we made it to the bottom just in time for pickup.
Raven, Matthew, and Olivia, May 8, 2023