As a nonprofit organization, we rely on our community to help us grow and thrive! Your help supports fundraising projects for our Financial Assistance Program, which enables children with financial need to attend nature education programs; and also supports our ongoing curriculum and site development.
Volunteering is a fun way to connect with others and support a great cause! To learn more, contact us. Here are some ways to help:
- Ongoing program involvement: weekly or monthly—for age 12 on up through adults
- Administrative support: Stuffing envelopes for mailings, labeling, etc.
- Marketing/outreach: Posting flyers, spreading the word
- Maintenance: Grounds/office/gardening—including electrical work
- Building a pizza oven!
- Staffing fundraising events.
To apply, submit a letter of interest, resume, and two professional references to
Donate to Our Wish List
- Tools of all kinds (in good condition): Rakes, pole saw, pitchfork, loppers, gardening hand tools, wheelbarrow, garden cart, hand shears, pole saw, shovels, snow shovels
- Native trees and shrubs
- Cordwood
- Tractor
- Woodworking tools and tables
- Folding chairs
- Climbing gear and rope
- Electrical work
- Tents (in excellent condition only)
- Gravity water filters
- Youth-size internal-frame backpacks
- 4-foot chest freezer
- Refrigerator
Contact us for more information or to donate. Thank you!!