We lucked out with the weather and had gorgeous warm and blustery weather all day. Leaves and needles fell from the trees as roamed and played through the forest.
We circled up and sang our morning song…”Good morning dear Earth, good morning dear sun…” all together. Red Oak had a tricky rhyme and riddle today for us. The focus of the day was trees (and that was the answer to the riddle of course) so we all looked at some leaves collected near one of our favorite forest spots, Grandmother Maple.
“Maple…oak…” all the kids guessed. Some trees remain a mystery. We played a game to learn how to work together as a group. Moose and Wolves! The students were a wolf pack hunting down the larger teachers. The students had to take all the bandana tails and not get too exhausted!

We ventured to camp for snacks and explored and played all over. Climbing on the Owl Village, laying in the hammock, swinging in the tire swing, and so much more. A wolf howl filled the air and it was time to head to Grandmother Maple (G-MA, for short) and place a stone at her rooted feet, then go searching for the special surprise out in the sugar maple grove. The breeze blew bright yellow leaves all around us and we started to make our way up the giant hill looking for our surprise.

Sure enough there was a pumpkin at the very top of the hill and inside were Nature Names! Everyone was so excited to get their name for the first time or to receive a new one! But first, we settled into a leaf cushion. The Forest floor and did a sit spot while the leaves and breeze continued to fall.
We came back together and each child took a turn getting a nature name. We often do this in a small ceremony so all we’re completely quiet and awaited their turn. Wild Blueberry, Chickadee, Butterfly Weed, Eastern Bluebird, Paper Birch, Quaking Aspen, Sugar Maple, Painted Turtle, Box Turtle, Mourning Dove, and Milkweed!
In growing community,
River Otter and Red Oak
October 13, 2022