Women in the Woods

Cooking Ramps | Women in the Woods Days | Flying Deer Nature Center

New dates coming soon!

Tuition for 1-day programs (9:00 am–2:00 pm):

Celebrate the gifts of the seasons and increase your knowledge of the land. These sessions include making plant and tree medicine, wild crafted baskets, and delicacies with wild edible plants. Experience how the earth provides for you and feel the exhilaration and rejuvenation of meeting natural challenges with the support and fun of a community of wild women. 

Michelle Apland and Tes Reed, with decades of experience leading girls and women in nature, create and guide each session.

Women in the Woods was my idea of a perfect day. Michelle and Tes held our circle so skillfully, from beginning to end. Half an hour into the morning, I had already learned so much about the plants and trees I live with. And the day just got better—more plant friends, delicious wild food, inspiring fire making, peaceful sit spot, magical cord making, and sharing stories that made our circle of strangers into a circle of sisters. I went home feeling happy, connected, and alive.

Jane Bernstein

Flying Deer Nature Center