Today we welcomed the day with gratitude and a silly song. Osprey led us in a game of fire in the forest before we split into guilds.
The coal burning guild continued work on their bowls. It’s hard work to finish a burn bowl but some of the older students helped out and everyone is on their way.

The basswood guild drilled stones to make necklaces with their basswood cordage. The black walnut guild got their clothes in the dye after waiting all week!
The leather guild continued work on pouches. Many of them were completed today, some still have some sewing to do. Those that finished began some other leather projects like bracelets or belts.

After guilds we all got together at the Jedi Training center. Folks tested their agility and balance in the game. There was also white pine tea brewed on the fire, mumblypeg, and some nature mysteries.

In community,
Raven (Black Walnut), Isaac (Brown Recluse), Dan (Eastern Coyote), Olivia, (Queen Fisher), Rowan (Hawkmoth), Malcom (Osprey), and Ruby (Purple Emperor), October 26, 2023