COVID Safety Guidelines: SPRING 2025

Flying Deer Nature Center’s programs are held outdoors, with indoor locations utilized primarily for weather emergencies. Multiple studies have shown that outdoor programs are inherently low risk for spreading illness; however, we take measures to further reduce the risk of disease transmission while maintaining high-quality experiences. Parents and guardians must weigh the risks of their own families and households before choosing to enroll in Flying Deer programs. 

Please note that Flying Deer protocols are contingent upon CDC recommendations, New York State guidelines, and the Columbia County Department of Health. Policies and procedures are subject to change at any time. Flying Deer will not close unless Columbia County regulations dictate otherwise or the Flying Deer Board of Directors and core staff determine that it is no longer safe to operate.

Mask-Wearing Protocol

Mask wearing is not currently required for students or staff at Flying Deer Nature Center. We understand that every family must make decisions based on their own personal circumstances, and Flying Deer will support students who wish to remain masked at this time. If a student becomes ill and/or symptomatic during the day and needs to be brought inside, a mask will be provided.  

Hygiene Protocols

Hand-sanitizing supplies are kept at campsites and are available to campers and staff throughout the day. Campers are encouraged to use hand-sanitizing methods after using the outhouse, before eating, and any time hands become soiled. 

Staff Health Policy

  • Staff who test positive for COVID will not return to teaching until 5 days after the onset of symptoms or a positive test, and then only if they have been free of fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications, and other symptoms are improving. Staff who are able to return to teaching after 5 days will wear masks through Day 11 per CDC guidelines.
  • If staff have a known exposure, regardless of vaccination status, they will wear a mask if they are not able to maintain distance or if they are indoors with students.
  • If a staff member becomes ill while at camp, they will leave immediately and follow the procedures outlined above.

Student Health Policy

  • By arriving at the program, families attest that campers have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 5 days and are symptom free.  
  • After a known exposure, CDC guidelines recommend wearing a mask for 10 days and testing 5 full days after exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
  • If a student becomes ill during the program day, a caregiver will be called to bring them home. If the camper needs to be brought inside, they will be provided with a mask. 
  • Campers who test positive for COVID may not return to the program until 5 days after the onset of symptoms or a positive test, and then only if they have been free of fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications, and other symptoms are improving.
  • Campers who have had a positive COVID test need to wear masks if they are indoors at camp through Day 11, per CDC guidelines.
  • In general, if a child is ill, they should stay home until they are symptom free. Please review our sick policy for more information.

If a student falls ill during the program day:

If a student becomes ill during the program day, caregivers will be called to bring the child home. The student will be isolated from the other students with a staff member in a pre-designated area and made as comfortable as possible until a caregiver arrives. If the area is indoors, the camper will be given a mask to wear. The area will be disinfected after the student leaves, in accordance with CDC guidelines. 

Flying Deer Nature Center