Stone Soup

The day was warm and our hearts were warmed by this Fall day. Today was our Stone Soup celebration and what a monumental day it was! There was such a sense of joy and community bringing both our kindergarten groups together.

We started our day in the open sun warming our bones and practicing our dance moves. We made a “movement soup”—we laughed, fell, wiggled, and grooved and then played a game of Dance Honcho where our dance moves were put to the test. Students took a turn leading the group in dance moves in a circle, with a guesser trying to figure out who was leading the group.

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A Water wonderland

The angels of rain did not hold back today! We got well and truly soaked. And the Woolly Bears had a ball!

We charged up the hill and had an opening circle around the lighting of the fire. After some fun playing in the forest, we came together to begin our craft projects. Split in two groups, we began burning our burn bowls as the rain poured down. The Woolly Bears used hot coals to burn a crevice into pieces of cedar for future bowls, periodically scraping away the ash to form the hole.

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Mud, Glorious Mud

As colder temperatures and wet, wet mud become a part of our routines, we are finding a new rhythm to our days together. The red squirrels in our spruce grove have been actively knocking down cones in large quantities. And, they are starting to nest! A highlight of our week was the discovery that a red squirrel has moved into the nesting box we built last year! We are so excited to watch their activity as the season progresses. 

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Sensory Awareness in the forest

Our little community continues to grow and strengthen as we practice our friendship skills and awareness of the world around us. The children are really settling into deep play with their peers and are so excited about some skills that we are exploring. 

We have been weaving in learning about tinder, camouflage, fire, and carving into our wanders and activity time. Up to the top of the hill we headed on Tuesday to find as many dried ferns as possible. We learned that the warm weather has kept things alive well past the usual time, but we did find some and collected them for tinder to start fires. We also found a brand new downed birch tree ready for harvesting its bark. 

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Meeting Trees at the Cobble

What a beautiful day in October. The sun was shining leaves and needles rained down from the trees and mushrooms filled the forest floor. We sang a morning circle song:

Let the sun shine down and warm my bones,
Let the birds and the bees come and take my clothes,
I’m a wild one now, made of wind and rain,
I’m wild and I ain’t coming back again!

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Cobblers Guild Day!

October 15, 2021

We had another beautiful and sunny day out at Bart’s Cobble. Today was the first day of guilds! We had a lot of diverse options to choose from for forest skills. 

Raven offered a quickie bow-making guild, where six experienced carvers will had a chance to practice the subtle art of bow making with different types of wood. Raei offered a black walnut–dying guild, where students processed the hulls of many black walnuts, separated the nut to be dried, the outer part to be dyed, and steeped the T-shirts they are going to dye next week in mordant solution to help the colors stick. 

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Roly PolYs Meet Tiger Beetles

We kicked out on yet another beautiful day in Flying Deer neighborhood. As soon as we arrived, we were removing layers upon layers to cool down. 

We started our day with a song and some quiet attention to the world, smells, and sounds around us. With our voices warmed up and our senses tuned, we revisited a game we learned last week and practiced the art of “Terror of the Stump.” The ants try to steal the food from the giant Tiger beetle.

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A new Wild Semester Begins!

Our first day of Wild Ways was soaked in beautiful sunlight. Some students got a crash course in dogbane processing for cordage in the morning, a skill we will continue to develop (or teach for those who don’t know how yet). After introduction and our sendoff, we got some energy out in the field with a game of skink tag. Skink tag is based on the defense mechanisms of skinks, dropping their tail. It’s a great game of agility and awareness.

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Apples & salmon, Mosquitoes & Bears

It was the most beautiful fall day and our new Thursday Roly-Polies Forest Kindergarten group had a wonderful day in the sunny field and cool streams at Daley Road!

The day began with games and animal movements. After some snack, we got chopping and splicing apples for the apple press. With four 5-gallon buckets of apples, we started to press and squeeze all the juice we possibly could. It was delicious!

The Woolly Bears group also made apple juice this week! The group learned how to safely cut, using their bear claws, and we had not a single cut! Hooray! Cider never tasted so good, after we practiced a mindfulness exercise to slow down and seriously enjoy every drop. 

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Flying Deer Nature Center