Given the current circumstances, we’d like to offer you a few things you can do with your children this week at home. Let’s make the best of the time we have now to slow down and enjoy each other and our connection to nature, as much as that is available to us. Take some time to slow down, notice how you cope with fear and stress, practice self-compassion, and stay connected.
We hope that everyone can settle into a rhythm that works for you. We recommend using a simple schedule to keep your days structured.
8:00–9:00 am Morning routine: wake up, breakfast, get dressed
This is the song we sing each day at Forest Kindergarten morning circle, if you’d like to sing it at home:
Good morning dear earth
Good morning dear sun
Good morning dear trees and the flowers every one
Good morning dear animals and the birds in the trees
Good morning to you and good morning to me.

9:00 am Sit Spot: Find a place to sit together for a few moments, listening to the sounds around you, smelling the air, looking at the colors within your sight. If you’re not able to be outside, perhaps look out the window at the sky or a tree.
9:15–11:45 am Learning time outdoors: If you are able, wander the forest, go on a new hike, find a place to canoe/kayak, garden, work on a craft, make a fire, go on a bike ride. For those with less access to nature, you might want to put on music and dance, do a family yoga class online, or do jumping jacks and run up and down stairs!
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30-2:00 pm Rest/quiet time: nap, books, puzzles
2:00–4:00 pm Afternoon games and play: cook, bake, indoor crafts, put on a puppet show, other learning activities (reading, math, writing, etc.)
Be well and have fun!
—Julie and JJ, Forest K teachers