Here’s a great family game that encourages kids—and grown-ups, too!—to imagine the inner world and community life of birds!
Continue reading “Bird Language Charades”Bird Language Charades

Here’s a great family game that encourages kids—and grown-ups, too!—to imagine the inner world and community life of birds!
Continue reading “Bird Language Charades”Here are a few ways to tap into the power of nature connection to support joy and learning for little ones.
Learn one or two stories a week to tell your child orally. This can be shared during snack or rest time. Here are a few resources for stories:
Continue reading “Nature-Based Activities for Kids”Given the current circumstances, we’d like to offer you a few things you can do with your children this week at home. Let’s make the best of the time we have now to slow down and enjoy each other and our connection to nature, as much as that is available to us. Take some time to slow down, notice how you cope with fear and stress, practice self-compassion, and stay connected.
We hope that everyone can settle into a rhythm that works for you. We recommend using a simple schedule to keep your days structured.
Continue reading “A Home Routine for the LIttle Ones”Some of the most memorable moments this week came packaged in the simplest forms. Rolling large balls of wet, heavy snow across the grassy field; cracking layers of ice at the edge of the pond; creating a birthday party with a forest cake and leaf decorations; and of course, sledding! The children show us time and time again how to stay present in the moment and how being able to see things as they really are—both magical and very real—creates precious moments of connection that are easily missed otherwise.
Continue reading “Snow, Sleds, and Show and Tell”After warming up our bodies during morning circle with songs, movement, and gratitude, we played a game of Fire in the Forest, where animals have to run from one side of the forest to another without getting tagged by the fire. The children were able to choose what animals they wanted to be, and also had to follow the guidance of our counselors—an important balance between self-identification and flexibility in order to play together. At this age, games with a couple of rules are wonderful ways to build cooperation, listening skills, and gross motor development.
Continue reading “Skill Building and fUN”The weeks are flying past us as the autumn breezes and colder rains are starting to pick up. The ruffed grouse continues to make itself heard in the bushes around little field and the blue jays and crows are active patrollers of the woods. The leaves are almost all gone, but this allows more sunlight to reach the forest floor, and the golden morning light has left us feeling quite content and warm these days.
Continue reading “A Sneaking Mission”The slow coming of autumn has been such a pleasure! The warm sun filtered through the last of the leaves at our campsite today. The blue skies were very welcoming, as were everyone’s laughter and excitement.
The days are getting shorter, but our focus is getting stronger every week! The walk up the hill is getting easier every time; today we saw a big tree had fallen from the stormy winds blocking the trail and had fun trying to decide whether to go over it or under with our backpacks.
Continue reading “Gratitude for the Oaks”Is it just us, or has this been the most spectacular October? We delighted in the sunshine on our faces as we move deeper into autumn and the daylight shortens. Every day, the landscape is different and changing, and every day, the children too are different and changing. At this point in the semester, as educators, we have been able to get a sense of children—their qualities, curiosities, and affinities. But these aren’t static. Just as plants change form throughout the seasons—some changes obvious and others quite subtle—so too do children evolve. As your children’s teachers, one of the greatest gifts we have is to watch this growth unfold.
Continue reading “Kindness and creativity”We were very pleased to experience milder temperatures today and enjoy the light snowfall speckling the sky and forest. It was absolutely delightful to see our friends come together so ease-fully and welcome in our newest Woolly Bears. Our winter rhythm allows us to spend a bit more time indoors for meal times, which is a true blessing given the colder temperatures ahead of us.
Continue reading “Woolly Bears in Wintertime!”Our Woolly Bears began the week giving the red squirrel who fell from a tree last week a proper send-off. We arrived to our campsite Tuesday and immediately checked the spot where the little creature lay. The Woolly Bears met the death of this animal with acceptance and love. After snack, we set to work finding an appropriate spot for the gravesite. Once the body was laid in the ground, the children gathered nuts, pinecones, and other comforts to help with the journey to the other side. Nature is the perfect teacher for difficult and sad moments such as these. Meeting such a moment with honesty and reverence allows children to express and process complicated feelings. It is incredible what children can accept and understand when we don’t shy away from these teachable moments and embrace the opportunities they provide.
Continue reading “The Bittersweet Lessons of Nature”