We kicked out on yet another beautiful day in Flying Deer neighborhood. As soon as we arrived, we were removing layers upon layers to cool down.
We started our day with a song and some quiet attention to the world, smells, and sounds around us. With our voices warmed up and our senses tuned, we revisited a game we learned last week and practiced the art of “Terror of the Stump.” The ants try to steal the food from the giant Tiger beetle.

When we got to camp, we got to preparing a big fire to boil black walnut hulls for dying. When all the firewood was collected, River Otter started the fire with a bow drill! It was a struggle but finally got lit with all the dry whispees the kids had collected. The fire was roaring and the walnut dye simmered, while we explored and played and prepared our pouches to have different designs when they were dyed. After a sit spot in the forest, the day was done and we made our way out to the field.
—River Otter, White Pine, and Striped Maple
October 21, 2021